Many people tend to forego healthy eating for one main reason which is time. Fast food stores are readily available thus people tend to be pulled to these joints not only to save time but also to save money. Fast food restaurants should not be on your list if you are health conscious.
1 Eat foods rich in nutrients
You need over forty different nutrients to be in good health, therefore you need to ingest many different foods to balance your nutrients. Your daily diet should consist of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, meats and dairy products. Eating healthy means that you first need to understand your calorie requirements. This will help you in knowing what quantities of each food item you require.
2 Maintain a healthy weight
Determining your ideal weight is affected by different factors such as your height, heredity, sex and age. Having excess body fats increases the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, cancer, heart diseases and other diseases. You may be gaining and losing weight often which is not also good for your health. You should consult a doctor or a dietitian to help you improve on your eating habits. Exercising regularly is also very vital for you to maintain a healthy weight.
3 Portions
If you want to be healthy, you need to know what portion sizes of food you should eat. For instance according to experts the ideal meat serving for you is three ounces.
4 Eating regularly
Skipping meals exposes you to hunger which leads to overeating. It is also very easy to forego healthy eating when you are hungry. Eating snacks in between the main meals will help you deal with hunger and its consequences. Snacks however, must be kept light nor to become a whole meal.
5 Reduce intake of certain foods
A good number of people eat for enjoyment as well as nutrition. If your preferred foods are high in salt, fat or sugar, you need to moderate how much of these foods you consume and how regularly you eat them. Identify main sources of these ingredients in your meals and make adjustments if necessary. Adults who eat whole-milk dairy products or high-fat meats at each meal are most likely eating a lot of fat. Selecting low-fat dairy products as well as lean cuts of meat can lessen fat intake drastically.
6 Balance your food from time to time. You need to rotate what you eat. Whenever you miss out on any of the required foods you need for a healthy body, make sure you consume it next time you eat. This rotation of foods should however fit your healthy plan.
7 Avoid processed foods
Processed foods contain numerous things like trans fats, hydrogenated oils, high sugars and excess sodium that are unhealthy for your body. Learn the habit of preparing fresh food yourself so that you can control your nutrients intake.
8 Eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. They are not only nutritious but also help alleviate numerous illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and heart diseases.
9 Drinking plenty of water will help keep your body hydrated. If you are dehydrated you risk having your throat, nose and ears dry out, making them prone to bacterial infections. Water also aids in flushing toxins from your body.
10 You also need to get some exercises daily if you want to live a healthy life. This does not mean that you need to visit the gym daily but try to make wise choices like the stairs instead of an elevator, or go dancing!
[…] regularly is also very vital for you to maintain a healthy weight. … More here: 10 Tips for Eating Healthy | Medical Art Therapy ← Shedding Weight the Natural Way : Several a Lot More Major Weight […]