Art therapy is not only used for person suffered with mental illness, but quietly for child, adult and adolescence who are suffering with personal problems or related to growth.
Approaches for art therapy:
Two basic methods of art therapy can be used by the art therapists to approach our idea. The primary approach of art therapy is intensive. In this type the therapist, in order to discover something is regarding herself or him. It is utilized as catharsis to discover the self realization. This discovery is the final result.
The second type of approach is who ever suffering with the problem, he or she express their feeing unconsciously or consciously via their art. In this approach, the therapist utilizes art as porthole to the subconscious of the patient, who one is suffering from it to understand the fundamental problem. Although it can be dangerous glance to art too personally or closely, but in case of child who are not able to express their feeling in the words, it is very useful to express their feeling.
Techniques of art therapy:
Some of the art therapy techniques are individual and group art therapy, rapport building, expression of inside feeling, self perception and interpersonal relationship.
1. Individual and group art therapy technique:
Task of Exploration can be very liberating. The aim is to control and move their thought, to encourage the patient to have to be able to voluntarily express feeling themselves. This way the task of exploration is very similar to a verbal free association. Generally the task of exploration can be used to start the art therapy.
Examples of task of exploration are automatic drawing, free drawing and drawing completion. In this automatic drawing the patient is freely to prompt to start to draw a line or scribble on the paper. In this time, the patient is not allowed to move or remove her or his pen from the paper till the end of the exercise. This automatic drawing therapy helps very excellent way for the client to put down their guards, which is a excellent starting point for treatment.
2. Rapport building:
Rapport – building techniques are helped in both group and individual art therapy. The basic thought behind the rapport building technique is to reduce the level of separation of patient may feel at the same time as to create their art. It comprise isolation from other patient in the grouping, they feel the distance between therapist and themselves.
Examples of rapport building techniques are conversational drawing, group painting completion and painting with onlooker. In conventional drawing, the grouping is divided into two. Two people have been assigned to work together are sitting opposite each other. The only method of communication is by means of colors, line and shape. In this method, paper is not just communicating, but you can share at the same time. In this method, the patient can know other person a little improved.
3. Expression of inside feeling: in this technique, the patient has been designed to help to get in touch with their inner feeling, fantasies and desires and to create visual demonstration of them. This can done in hopes to the client will become gradually increase the aware of her or himself. Then the therapist an attempt is made to support the trading of client and these feelings and will move in the direction towards a solution.
Example of expression of inside feeling is three wishes. In this type the patient are allowed to paint for three times or more times. The response tends to be the desires for things such as personal as well as security. It will reflect the degree and level of maturity it will support for this exercise. In the following description will focus on the power of the desire to specify whether it is achievable goal of this exercise.
4. Self perception:
The main aim of the technique is patient to have complete awareness regarding of body image as well as personal needs.
Example of self perception is to point you as animal- in this technique the patient allowed to draw any type of animal or they are animals that see themselves as the most similar. In this technique is very funny at the same time is revealing.
5. Interpersonal relationship:
Interpersonal relationship technique is planned to create the client more awake of other people and how the other people may recognize herself or him.
Example of interpersonal relationship is group mural. Now the groups work considerately on a very large project. The choice of materials and subject matter, you may be prescribed by the therapist and left to the group. To facilitate this technique, to meet individually together to larger whole and a self- expression of a larger group setting, cooperation and the unity of the group.
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